
Saturday, October 24, 2015

25 HTML code and function

25 HTML code and function

- Hypertext Mark-up Language is a standard language that is used to open a WEB page containing text, images, video, sound and created or edited via applications such as notepad in windows, dream woxer, etc.
How the code and what does it do, let us recognize:
1. <a herf> That code to link to another page or another part of the page.
2. <a name> This code works in the manufacturing section name specified by the link on the same page.
3. <applet> is as the beginning of java <applets> <! .... More ...>
4. <area> Defines a clickable areas or commonly called the link on the image map
5. <b> make text bold
6. <basefont> Make default text attributes such as type, font color and size
7. <bgsound> code that is used to provide a sound background (back ground sound) on a web page
8. <big> increases the size of the text by one point from the default or default
9. <blink> makes the text blink useful in a variety
10. Reviews are used to move / replace the line on a web page
11. <caption> create a caption on a table that's been made
12. <coment> Place a comment on a web page will not be visible in the browser
13. <dd> Text idents (identifying text)
14. <font> function to change the size, type and color of the letters that will be used for the text
15. <frame> is used to insert / make the frame on the page
16. <frameset> is used to define the attributes of the page that will use the frame
17. <h1> .... <h6> to change the font size bigger numbers we wrote in the letter coding the results in           the show getting bigger
18. <hr> is used to create a horizontal line
19. <i> makes the text italic
20. <u> makes the text underlined
21. <input> defines the input filed in the form
22. <li> create bullet points or a new line in the list
23. <marquee> makes the text runs from the text that we have input
24. <nobr> to prevent line breaks in the text or images
25. <title> create a web page title which we make
Well perhaps quite so first about HTML coding ini.Bila I can write in to ask anyone would please comment below.
Oh Yeah in the writing of HTML do not forget to end the writing of coding with added slash in it an example of the <title> blabla ....... ...... </ title>
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